Tube bundle cleaning |
High Pressure external cleaning robot |
Automatic high Pressure external cleaning robot This equipment automatically washes tube bundle which is placed on motorized rollers, disintegrating scale with powerful jets of water which are moved longitudinally and sideways through tube bundle. Together with a powerful modern pump of the Idroscal series with incorporated speed reducer, BCL-X is equipment needed to manage tube bundles during plant maintenance shutdowns. Designed and developed for high technology cleaning of exchangers. General features and size of the BCL-X, apart from standard model presented, are based on specific engineering situation.
High Pressure external cleaning robot/High Pressure internal cleaning robot/
High Pressure internal/external manual cleaning pump
Hydrodynamic pump declares for heat-exchangers, with Electric or Diesel motor. Hydrodynamic declares for heat exchangers are an indispensable supplement to our already wide range of machines for working in the chemical industry, refineries and petrochemical plants. Our units are supplied completely skid assembled (on-wheels on request) and are including necessary safety devices and controls (on request) to guarantee perfect running for a long working life. The hydrodynamic units are basically including a reciprocating triplex plunger pump c/w piping and fittings, manometer, mechanical pressure gauge and safety valve; the assembling pumps-driving units is made with flexible joint adequately protected.
High Pressure internal cleaning robot |
Multiple nozzle carrier robot for the automatic internal cleaning of tube bundles The robot automatically washes tube bundle, lying on motorized rollers, disintegrating encrusted scale with powerful jets of water brought inside tubes by nozzle carriers. Together with a powerful modern pump of Idroscal series with incorporated speed reducer, BCL-IN is equipment needed to manage tube bundles during plant maintenance shutdowns. Designed and developed for high technology cleaning of exchangers. General features and size of BCL-IN, apart from standard model presented, are based on specifications of engineering department.
Mechanical internal cleaning (straight tubes only)
Mechanical internal cleaning for tube bundle heat-exchangers (straight tubes only) Pneumatic shafting tube cleaners with tool water cooling system are the simplest and most effective solution to clean the heat exchanger tubes even when completely obstructed. Continuous flow of water - max pressure 20 Bar - (290 psi) through holes in the tools provides cooling during the process and helps to drain away the material removed from tubes.