Fillet Welder (K Bug)
The Bug-O K-Bug series includes compact portable fillet welders for straight line or stitch welding as well as weavers for all position welding.
K-BUG 1200 Gear Driven Fillet Welding Tractor
The K-BUG 1200 is a compact, portable, straight-line tractor equipped with a rugged gear drive and an improved torch adjustment profile. The Gear drive has been incorporated to handle the strain of prolonged operation and to improve reliability. Creating continuous or intermittent “stitch” welds at a constant travel speed produces high quality, uniform welds in a fraction of the time required for manual welding. Regulated travel speed eliminates excessive weld deposition and helps reduce defects. Precise puddle control improves penetration and controls undercut.
K-BUG 2000 Dual Torch Fillet Welder
The K-Bug 2000 digital, compact fillet welder is a portable straight line travel carriage. Creating continuous or intermittent “stitch” welds at a constant travel speed the K-BUG 2000 produces high quality, uniform welds in a fraction of the time required for manual welding. Regulated travel speed eliminates excessive weld deposition and helps reduce defects. The machine’s guide wheels track the workpiece to provide precise, continuous weld placement.
K-BUG 3000 Fillet Welder with Oscillation
The K-BUG 3000 digital compact heavy duty fillet welder with oscillation is designed for welding fillet joints. A lightweight, portable carriage utilizing powerful magnets and guide wheel clamps and tracks directly to the work piece. The K-BUG 3000 features programmable control of weave parameters that include tractor speed, weave speed and weave width. This KBUG also has independent settings for left / right dwell. The K-BUG 3000 has the capability to perform in all positions.
K-BUG 4000 Digital, Compact Fillet Welder
The K-BUG 4000 digital, compact fillet welder creates continuous or intermittent “stitch” welds at a constant travel speed producing high quality, uniform welds in a fraction of the time required for manual welding. Digital programming of travel pattern and weld control eliminates excessive weld deposition and helps reduce defects. The machine’s guide wheels track the workpiece to provide precise, continuous weld placement.
K-BUG 5000 All Position Pendulum Weave Welder (Rigid & Semi-Flex Rail)
The K-BUG 5000 is a compact portable welding unit with an integrated pendulum weaver for all position welding. It mounts to BUG-O Systems Aluminum Rigid Rail and attaches to work surface via magnets or vacuum system in any position. It will perform continuous welding at a constant travel speed producing high quality uniform welds in a fraction of the time required for manual welding. Regulated travel speed without starting and stopping the welding process will eliminate excessive weld deposition and help reduce defects. Precise weld weaving with programmable dwells will improve weld penetration and control undercut.
K-BUG 5050 Stand Alone Pendulum Weaver
The KBUG Stand Alone Pendulum Weaver is a compact unit designed for use with a torch support and positioner fixture or retrofit to a carriage. Ideal for fillet or butt joints with flat or curved profiles. Motion parameters, including weave speed, weave width, and dwell times are digitally controlled by the remote pendant control. The pendant also offers center steering and interfaces with the welding power source to control the weld contact.
K-BUG 5100 All Position Pendulum Weave Welder (Hi-Flex rail)
The KBUG-5100 is a compact portable welding unit with an integrated pendulum weaver for all position welding. Mounted to BUG-O Systems Hi-Flex rail and attached to the work surface with magnets or vacuum cups and pump system in any position. Regulated travel speed without starting and stopping the welding process will eliminate excessive weld deposition and help reduce defects. Precise weld weaving with programmable dwells will improve weld penetration and control undercut.
K-BUG 6000 All Position Linear Weave Welder (Rigid & Semi-Flex Rail)
The K-BUG 6000 is a compact portable welding unit with an integrated linear weaver for all position welding. It runs on BUG-O Systems Aluminum Rigid Rail which attaches to the work surface via magnets or vacuum system in any position. It will perform continuous welding at a constant travel speed producing high quality, uniform welds in a fraction of the time required for manual welding. Regulated travel speed without starting and stopping the welding process will eliminate excessive weld deposition and help reduce defects. Precise weld weaving with programmable dwells will improve weld penetration and control undercut.
K-BUG 6100 All Position Linear Weave Welder (Hi-Flex Rail)
The KBUG-6100 is a compact portable welding unit with an integrated linear weaver for all position welding. It runs on BUG-O Systems Aluminum Rigid Rail which attaches to the work surface via magnets or vacuum system in any position. Regulated travel speed without starting and stopping the welding process will eliminate excessive weld deposition and help reduce defects. Precise weld weaving with programmable dwells will improve weld penetration and control undercut.